Welcome to SYMEX 2024

12th International Symposium & Exhibition on Project Management

Tailoring the Dots, Aim Higher, Transmogrifying World


SYMEX is PMI Indonesia's premiere annual event. In this two-day conference, Project Managers and other industry professionals will exchange knowledge, create new network contacts, and receive valuable insights. SYMEX will provide professional development opportunities for project management practitioners of all skill levels.

The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum for industry professionals, business owners, educators, researchers, policy-makers and graduate students with opportunity to explore and discuss issues in project management topics. International and local speaker both from practitioners and academics will share their knowledge, experience and state-of-the art of project management.

The symposium is also an opportunity for companies to meet project managers seeking career transition and matching the interests, skill, and experience to their needs. The exhibition will be the opportunity for sponsors to promote their products and services to project management practitioners.

During the event, maximize and gain benefits through:

  • Networking with project management practitioners across industries. More than hundreds of practitioners regularly come to this event
  • Learn from the sessions and active interactions by the distinguished speakers; domestic and international; share and exchange ideas / experience directly, that encompass both regional and global project management topics.
  • Earn up to 16 professional development units (PDUs) to maintain your PMI credentials



Our Fabulous Speakers

Americo Pinto

Americo Pinto

PMOGA Managing Director at PMI. Leading the world's largest global community of PMOs and PMO professionals at the Project Management Institute.

Anna Y. Khodijah

Anna Y. Khodijah

Lecturer and Researcher in Information Systems and Strategic IT Management at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Germany

Barry Hsiung, PMP

Barry Hsiung, PMP

Senior Consultant of the Silicon Valley-based Project Solutions International Group (PSIG)

Cherry Pua Africa

Cherry Pua Africa

CEO, World Stage International | Coach of the CEOs

Geetha Gopal

Geetha Gopal

Senior Management Professional

Imam Wijoyo

Imam Wijoyo

Executive Chairman of Indonesia Winning Institute

Indrawan Nugroho

Indrawan Nugroho

Corporate Innovation Consultant | CEO & Co-founder at CIAS

KC Chan

KC Chan

Distinguished Professor in Wholistic Learning

LuAnn Piccard, PMP

LuAnn Piccard, PMP

Chair of the Board of Directors of Project Management Institute

SK Khor

SK Khor

ICT Manager , Project Management Consultant

Spencer Horn

Spencer Horn

President of Altium Leadership

Tya Adhitama

Tya Adhitama

Experienced Executive Coach | International Speaker | Professional Workshop Facilitator

2 Days Agenda

08:30 - 17:00



Networking dinner

08:30 - 17:00


Venue: Singhasari Resort

SYMEX Participants Testimonial

The presentations by the speakers offer me new knowledge, with contributions from numerous practitioners from both overseas and Indonesia, thus enriching my insights.

Eva Handriyantini

Rector at Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika Indonesia

What I like the most about the SYMEX event is networking, meeting friends who share the same interest in project management

Akbar Azwir


SYMEX provides wide-ranging information, including updates on past and current projects, not only on a local level but also with international insights.

Chaterine Palawi


The three points I gained from SYMEX are: first, knowledge; second, networking; and third, PDU (Professional Development Units).

Nico Sianipar

Danamon Bank

I would rate SYMEX almost a 10 out of 10. The experience provided is far superior.

Arief Prasetyo


I'm happy to participate in SYMEX; I gain a lot of knowledge, meet new acquaintances, build new networks from different companies, exchange experiences, share stories, and gain new insights from amazing speakers


Registration is OPEN

Public & PMI Member  Rp.6,650,000  

PMI Indonesia Member  Rp.4,900,000  

Lecturer/ Student  Rp.2,650,000  
Corporate/ Group with minimum 5 participants discount Rp. 350,000/ participant (not apply to lecturer/ student).
Loyal participant discount Rp. 500,000.

Registration end in 15-Sep-2024



SYMEX 2024 Features


After navigating two years of pandemic recovery and adjusting to the new normal, the last SYMEX was successfully convened in Yogyakarta last year. Over 200 attendees left the event enthusiastic about the valuable insights and practical tools they acquired. Notably, 42% of the participants hailed from various industries including telecommunications, IT, oil and gas, construction, government, and education.

This year's event holds the promise of being even more remarkable, centering around the theme "Tailoring the Dots, Aim Higher, Transmogrifying World.". It will feature a wealth of knowledge-packed program that delves into essential project management topics such as:

Project Management Office
Change Management
AI in Project Management Life
Data Science in Project Management
Power Skills in Project Management
Evolution and Innovation in Project Management
Collaboration Leadership in Project Management
Emotional Intelligence in Managing Project
Project as Business
Projectification of Societies
Sustainability (Green Technology) in Project Management

The event will also include exhibition booths where companies can showcase their products and services. An important aspect of the event is its ability to offer networking opportunities for participants, allowing them to engage amidst the tranquil yet lively ambiance of Malang City, a vibrant city with a blend of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and modern amenities, making it a thriving hub for businesses alike and a popular destination for tourists.




Would you like to support SYMEX 2024?

Welcome reach out to symex-sponsor@pmi-indonesia.org to begin a conversation about how we can best partner up.

Need more info about SYMEX 2024?
Please contact us via email to symex-register@pmi-indonesia.org