Paradigm Shift from CEO to CPO in the New Normal


In 2012 PMI-Asia Conference, the cliché “can a project manager be a CEO ?” was addressed by Dr Chan. Now, 10 years later the need for a CEO to hold a dual role as CPO (Chief Project Officer) who is responsible and accountable for strategy implementation will be deliberated. Indeed, the discussion is a follow-up on an earlier presentation made by Antonio Nieto-Rodriguez on “The Project Economy Has Arrived, and Why Project Management Had to be Reinvented.”

The presentation will dwell on the following topics:

  1. The gap between strategy and execution
  2. The gap between implementation and operations
  3. The gap between operations and continuous improvements
  4. How to close the three gaps to achieve organisational strategy execution excellence?
  5. The clarion call for a paradigm shift to change the way we think, work, behave and perform™ in the new normal (due to the covid pandemic)

The first 20 registrant who join the session will receive a free e-copy of the book in Bahasa – “Kewiraswastaan Berbasis Teknologi Dari Strategi Sampai Hasil”, authored by Prof Richardus Eko Indrajit, Rector of Pradita University, and Practice Professor KC Chan, Distinguished Professor of IMCA (UK).

The session will be in English.


Dr. KC Chan

Trusted Advisor to Pradita University & UITM-Rzeszow Poland

Visiting Professor to Petra Christian 

Dr KC Chan is a Visiting Professor to universities in more than 30 countries, as an international business management consultant, and a master corporate trainer. He is a regular speaker at Management, Leadership, and Entrepreneurship Conferences in Asia. His latest research interest is in lean agile entrepreneurship (reinventing to “Innopreneurship”) to help SMEs and MNEs with turnaround/ transforming strategies applying Wholistic Thinking through ©project-based accelerated action learning (the paradigm shift to change the way we think, work, behave, and perform™). He is author of six contemporary books on management, leadership, and technopreneurship. His has published over 100 articles and conducted 50 seminars world-wide. Currently, he is co-authoring with Prof Chen Jin of Tsinghua University (who is ranked 17 out of 50 World Top Management Thinkers in 2021) the book,“Wholistic Thinking for Better Management of People, Process & Planet.”



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Please be noticed that our Zoom room capacity is limited for first 100 attendees, so early admission is highly recommended.

Otherwise, you can still join via our Youtube channel :

PRANKS (Project Management Knowledge Sharing) is a fun event to meet and greet with other project management practitioners where you can upgrade your skills, share your experiences and idea, and don’t forget to meet new people and make new friends.

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Category: pranks

Date: March 22nd, 2022

Hour: 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Registration close date: March 22nd, 2022 at 9:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students/Lecturers/Mentors: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


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