Project Management For The Younger Generation - Is It Interesting?

In this session, Dr. Diena and Dr. Ichsan will share their research to reveal how the younger generation is interested in pursuing their career in project management. This study involves more than 300 respondents, both students, and entry-level employees, in a project management role. 

PRANKS Flyers 17


Speaker : Dr. Diena D Tjiptadi

Twenty years’ experience in general management with last position as CEO of a Rp 400B. revenue MNC. Led >350 sales and marketing teams for new product launches and market entries in competitive pharmaceutical industry.  Deep knowledge in sales and marketing, sales force effectiveness, people development and manufacturing.  Doctorate in Management, public speaker and trainer for academia and international conferences.

Currently, she is part of Teaching Faculty in BINUS Business School.


Moderator: Dr. Mohammad Ichsan, Dipl.-Ing., M.T.

Former president of PMI Indonesia Chapter.

A scholar and professional project management practitioner with broad experience in multiple Industries such Information Technology, Telecommunication, Banking and Construction. PhD in Strategic Management with Research Area in Strategic Project Portfolio Management and Project Management Office. Over 15 years of professional project and program management experience in the above-mentioned industries. Certified Project Management Professional and Scheduling Professional from PMI as well as a Microsoft Project Specialist.

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Category: pranks

Date: March 16th, 2021

Hour: 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Registration close date: March 15th, 2021 at 9:00PM

# of PDUs: 0


Students/Lecturers/Mentors: Free

Members: Free

Non members and Guests: Free


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